A Brief about TableViewController in Swift
1 min readOct 26, 2021
A table view controller displays structured, repeatable information in a list (vertical list). You use the UITableViewController class.
A table view controller has a few components that are responsible for displaying the information in a form of a list. These are:
- A table view, which is the user interface component, or view, that’s shown on screen. A table view is an instance of the UITableView class, which is a subclass of UIScrollView.
- Table view cells are the repeatable rows (cells), or views, shown in the table view. A table view cell is an instance of a UITableViewCell class, and that class is often subclassed to create custom table view cells.
- A table view delegate, which is responsible for managing the layout of the table view and responding to user interaction events. A table view delegate is an instance of the UITableViewDelegate class.
- A table view data source, which is responsible for managing the data in a table view, including table view cells and sections. A data source is an instance of the UITableViewDataSource class.